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Updated to reflect changes due to the Federal District Court for the District of Puerto Rico's decision to revert back to the employment law position under Act no. 4-2017.
Updated to reflect that certain pension provisions of the new code on social security have been brought into force.
Updated to include additional information on discrimination between men and women.
Updated to include additional information on labour inspections.
Updated to include additional information on the right of Ukrainian citizens to live and work in Poland.
Updated to reflect changes to rules on trial-period contracts and information on terms and conditions of employment.
Updated to reflect that the Constitutional Court issued a Decision amending provisions of Law No. 13 of 2003.
Enhanced to include information on equality advisers.
Updated to include information on gender pay gap reporting.
Updated to include additional information on work permits for foreign nationals.
HR practices and employment law in countries outside the USA, along with global HR issues.