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Updated to include information on measures that employers should take to secure employment opportunities for employees aged 65 to 70.
Enhanced to include information on electronic signatures and language requirements for employment contracts.
Updated to reflect the requirement for employers to publish an equal opportunity policy for transgender persons.
Updated to reflect the most recent information (2022) on the number of registered trade unions and federations.
Updated to include information on the right of UK nationals to live and work in the Czech Republic following the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020.
Updated to include information on the right of UK nationals to live and work in Greece following the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020.
An employment law guide to termination of employment in Denmark, covering notice periods, unlawful dismissal, unfair dismissal, severance payments and sources/references.
Enhanced to include a new section on grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration.
Updated to include information on suspension of the employment relationship in the event that war, pandemic or similar national emergency is declared.
Updated to include additional information on compensation payable by employers for occupational injury or illness.
HR practices and employment law in countries outside the USA, along with global HR issues.